REP4 National Convening celebrates student architects of higher 教育改变

A national alliance dedicated to transforming higher education by empowering students to shape their educations is growing and ready to showcase a dynamic year that included meeting with elected officials and other leaders on Capitol Hill.

领导人 REP4, stands for Rapid Education Prototyping for Change, Learners, 社区,股票, 我将在下午1点召开全国会议.m. 12月. 13 that highlights the progress and continued momentum of the national alliance founded by Grand Valley State University and a diverse set of learner-focused colleges and universities across the country.

The National Convening will also include an opportunity to view student pitches and prototypes designed to strengthen and 改变教育. 注册 and watch the National Convening on the REP4 website . Viewers and visitors to the REP4 website will have the opportunity to upvote their favorite pitches after the premiere.

" 解决方案是由REP4的学生创建的 demonstrate the benefits of giving learners the opportunity to be architects of their educational journey and our universities," GVSU校长菲洛梅娜·V说. 曼. “自信和自信 skills that REP4 brings out in students will help us grow the 变革者和未来的领导者."

Nine people stand in a line in a stadium with a blue football field. They are using their hands to signal the number "four."
REP4 leaders gathered with students in Idaho to assess and discuss REP4.

Illinois Institute of Technology recently joined the national alliance, which besides Grand Valley also includes Amarillo College, Boise State University, California State University San 马科斯,康涅狄格州立大学 & 大学,福特谷 州立大学和希本斯堡大学. 一起,这个联盟 学校为20多万名学生提供服务. 

The mission of REP4 and the emphasis on student agency made it a good fit for Illinois Institute of Technology to join the 总统拉杰·埃尚巴迪说.

“REP4 is an inspiring model for reimagining higher 学生为学生设计教育。” Echambadi说. " I believe these student-centered innovations have the profound potential to transform the lives of learners, driving opportunity not only for themselves but also for their families, 社区和社会. 作为一所综合性技术大学 committed to expanding and fueling student access and success, we 很荣幸能加入REP4联盟.”

Some other key moments in the National Convening presentation include REP4 leaders traveling to Washington, D.C. to meet with Capitol Hill officials as part of the first Unified Day of 宣传. Viewers will also see highlights from a gathering in Boise, Idaho where leaders and students assessed their work so far 并讨论了扩大REP4的覆盖范围. 主要支持者丹尼尔 威廉姆斯,总裁兼首席执行官 办公基础 的高级项目官员珍·威尔斯 该法案 & 梅琳达·盖茨基金会 他还就权力和权力问题发表了评论 REP4实践的潜力. 

REP4 has engaged more than 850 learners since its 2021 inception, giving many students an introduction to 高等教育 他们可能没有收到. 这些学生 participated in the central features of the program, including annual regional summits where learners brainstorm and develop prototypes to provide more equitable access to education.

Three people wearing goggles react during a chemistry lab experiment.
REP4 participants react to an experiment during a chemistry lab campus experience at the Midwest Learner Design Summit on the Allendale Campus.
图片来源- Amanda Pitts


For instance, a prototype developed and presented in 2021 has helped launch a financial literacy platform that is in testing now at Grand Valley with a plan for wider distribution. Another 2021 prototype in development is creating assessments beyond scores and grades to show a broad range of the strengths and capabilities that indicate students have a place at college.

Just as they are in REP4, student voices are prominent in the National Convening presentation, where viewers will hear about learners' ideas and inspirations as well as how important it is for them to be heard and serve as architects for the future of 高等教育.

Ngun Hniar是GVSU的一年级学生 T4学者 , said participating in REP4 has inspired a change in perspective.

"REP4 allowed us to know ourselves as creators and to think creatively and unconventionally about our educational 系统. The steps I took in leaving my comfort zone in high school allowed me to climb to many new opportunities," Hniar said. "I could not have imagined that REP4 could have helped me land a full scholarship, but most importantly be granted such an amazing opportunity for 高等教育 as a Burmese immigrant."


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