
Allegan, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, and Ottawa counties


Making 密歇根 a Leader in STEM Education

The MiSTEM网络 – which is connecting education, business and community partners across the state – is working to transform the way 密歇根有STEM.

Established by the 密歇根 科学, Technology, Engineering and Math (MiSTEM) Advisory Council, the MiSTEM网络 is a 新 愿景 鼓舞人心的21st世纪,STEM-equipped 学生、教育工作者和工人.

通过16个区域枢纽 专注于识别和 addressing STEM education needs across the state, we support opportunities for every student to experience project-based learning that allows them to use STEM skills to address authentic challenges in 他们的社区.

“Our plan is for every K-12 student and educator in 密歇根 to have access to inspiring STEM learning opportunities that will not only spark creativity, but also cultivate an innovative workforce 为明天.——Megan Schrauben,执行董事



Be the catalyst for equitable access and engagement in authentic STEM experiences in every community in 密歇根.

密歇根 is home to a generation of innovators who create more inclusive and prosperous businesses and communities.

The MiSTEM网络 builds and mobilizes committed networks of collaborators across 密歇根 to broaden the STEM ecosystem and embrace learning experiences beyond the physical classroom.

We provide real-world connections between school, the workplace and our communities.

  • 响应数据
  • 与商界和教育界合作
  • 赋予STEM教师权力
  • Ensuring high-quality STEM experiences in and out of school

By increasing STEM engagement in all 密歇根 communities, 我们将改变STEM的文化, creating sustainable pathways and careers to cultivate an innovative workforce of the future.




创建STEM文化: by using a systemic approach to enable community engagement, 从实践经验中学习, place-based education and by building capacity in our leaders, teachers and learners to create solutions to real-world situations.

赋予STEM教师权力: ​by creating opportunities for professional development, 能力建设和支持, and by connecting teachers with community partnerships that enable a diverse array of STEM-related engagement.

商业与教育结合通过将领导人聚集在一起, 建立通用语言, co-designing multidisciplinary real-world projects, and by providing authentic learning opportunities to help train a robust and diverse STEM literate workforce.

确保高质量的STEM体验关注现实世界的情况, 让学生沉浸在原地, 亲自动手的, 体验式开放式探索, engages students in productive teamwork and integrates rigorous math and science content where failure is seen as a necessary part of the learning process.




  • Collaboration across counties to support project-, place-, and problem-based learning
  • The Greater West 密歇根 Region is funding the development and ongoing content being added
  • 这个网站正在成长!
    • 超过140个项目
    • 独立访问量约1500次
    • 超过6600页浏览量


The STEM网络改进社区 is a group that is focusing on exploring how we might develop students’ identities as collaborative problem-finders/solvers and innovators.  We want to design experiences that result in students believing “We can solve problems collaboratively right here in my community, right now using what we know.



The 密歇根 Department of Technology, Management & Budget (DTMB) presented the latest regional long-term employment projections to an audience of state policymakers and education and workforce development professionals at the 2023 密歇根 Occupational Outlook Conference at Lansing Community College. 根据预测, the regional career outlook publications provide information for careers that will be in the highest demand by education group through 2030 in 密歇根. 会议结束后 10区域职业展望出版物 被释放. The publications feature high-demand jobs based on education level and the top jobs in STEM careers, 那些有科学的职业, 技术, 工程, 或者数学背景. 请查看 高要求、高工资职业 for the West 密歇根 MiSTEM Region that are listed in the brochure.

West 密歇根 Career Outlook Through 2030


科学, 技术, 工程, and math (STEM) careers include a wide variety of job titles within fields such as 工程, 卫生保健, 以及物理和社会科学. Preparing the workforce for current and future openings in these jobs is an important part of keeping 密歇根’s economy competitive in a global labor market. 本期的  密歇根州劳动力市场新闻 describes and explains STEM employment and the STEM talent pipeline in 密歇根.

Thumbnail 密歇根 Labor Market News Vol 75

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