

问题 回答 行动

Will 疫苗接种 status be shared with instructors or campus employers?

No, however, it is legal to ask someone their 疫苗接种 status. 请参阅 信息 平等就业机会委员会(EEOC). 疫苗问题见K节.  



Prior to 2021, GVSU did not require any 疫苗接种s of students, faculty, or staff, other than for those with 健康care placements as 这是他们项目的一部分.  我们没有收集任何博天堂官方网页 谁接种了疫苗.  这是我们过去唯一需要的疫苗 2年是最初的COVID系列.  (我们没有要求 推进器.我们现在又回到了 现状 没有 longer m和ating the original COVID shots (except for those CHP/KCON students with clinical placements), although we are adding something 新的和重要的.  我们开始问我们的学生他们的 疫苗接种史.  有了这些信息将允许更多 provocative approach, to include a more targeted approach to 干预、教育和推广.  注意,没有法律或 要求 from the state of Michigan to require vaccines on college campuses. 



  • In 2021, an estimated 25 million children around the world missed their childhood immunizations last year due to the p和emic, the 30年来常规免疫倒退最严重. 与 childhood Immunizations being at record lows, public 健康 officials anticipate reemergence of diseases not seen in decades 和 可能增加社区健康风险.
  • Childhood immunization rates began dropping before the p和emic.
  • Immunizations currently prevent 2-3 million deaths every year.
  • Outbreaks at Universities - 的re have been several vaccine 大学爆发可预防疫情.  明白谁没有 been vaccinated quickly can assist with targeted communication 和 有助于预防进一步的疾病甚至死亡.
    • 流行性腮腺炎
      • 天普大学流行性腮腺炎(100+学生)
      • 卡尔文学院2016年腮腺炎
      • 密歇根大学2018年腮腺炎小爆发
      • 爱荷华大学腮腺炎2015-2016(259名学生)
      • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign mumps outbreak (300+students)
      • 阿肯色大学2019年腮腺炎爆发
    • 脑膜炎
      • Princeton University 脑膜炎 outbreak 和 student death 2013
      • 德雷塞尔大学学生死亡
      • Central Michigan University student death from 脑膜炎 2012
      • 2013年卡拉马祖学院学生死于脑膜炎

Which GVSU employees 和 students are subject to the vaccine 要求?

Due to federal regulations at 健康care organizations, students in 健康 和 健康-related programs who have placements will still be required to receive the COVID vaccine or follow the exception process 概述在 健康 合规的网站.




Vaccines are available now from 健康 care providers, pharmacies, 当地卫生部门. 访问 冠状病毒 - 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗(密歇根州.政府) 了解更多信息.

校园里也定期有疫苗诊所. 推荐 疫苗可在 校园 健康中心/(Allendale)和/博天堂官方家庭 健康中心.  了解有关新学生的更多信息 疫苗接种报告程序,请浏览 疫苗接种 政策网页.



GVSU is no longer providing free 新型冠状病毒肺炎 tests for any students, staff, or faculty but you can order a maximum of 4 free 新型冠状病毒肺炎 test 通过USPS网站购买 covidtests.政府.

测试可在  校园 健康中心 (艾伦代尔) GVSU家庭健康 Center (市区)收费.

You can also purchase at-home tests at pharmacies 和 other stores. 你可以在你的医疗保健提供者或其他地方做测试 area 测试网站


What contributed in the decision to move away the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccine 要求?  

有很多因素需要考虑 总统 Biden announced that official designation of the p和emic will end 5月11日. 这个决定并不容易,因为GVSU仍然 strongly recommends receiving the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccines to include the 升压. 其他因素: 

  • 全球还没有出现COVID的重大爆发 在社区呆了一年多. 

  • Since the peak of the Omicron surge at the end of January 2022, nationally:  

    • 每日新冠肺炎报告病例下降92%. 
    • 新型冠状病毒肺炎死亡人数下降了80%以上. 

    • 新冠肺炎住院人数下降了近80%. 

    • 我们在当地也看到了同样的数字.


Okay, so why is the new vaccine procedure only for incoming first 年级学生?


  • 的se are the students most likely to be in congregate living spaces.

Now that the COVID vaccine 要求 has ended, what about the immunocompromised? 

  • This is a very sensitive subject, we want to encourage people who are at high risk of getting very sick, to talk with a 健康care provider about additional prevention action as there maybe 其他可用选项.
    • GVSU hasn’t stopped COVID mitigation, prevention, 和 response 努力. 随着GVSU采纳了奥肯那根宪章, deployment of the 社区健康谘询小组 (CHAT), 和 the new vaccine reporting system, we’ve increased our community 卫生工作.
    • 我们仍然与当地卫生部门保持着牢固的伙伴关系 部门. CHAT小组将继续开会和合作 博天堂官方网页COVID预防战略,包括其他疫苗 可预防的威胁.

If our 疫苗接种 rates are so good, why did we stop the COVID 要求? 

Although GV's 90% COVID vacation rate can be attributed to the vaccine 要求, once our system of data collection was established it was determined that 70% of our population would have 不管有什么要求,都完全接种了疫苗.  70%持平 with our surrounding counties (better in some cases), it should also be noted that since the 2021 要求 the vaccine has become more 广泛采用. 注意,我们仍然强烈建议收到 COVID-9疫苗和加强剂. 

  • Currently more than 229 million people in the US (about 69.2% of the population) have been fully vaccinated with an approved 新型冠状病毒肺炎 疫苗(见CDC数据跟踪器, http://covid.疾病预防控制中心.政府 / covid-data-tracker / #疫苗(访问 2023年2月9日).
  • 在密歇根州肯特县接种疫苗 
    • 完成初级系列-年龄18至65 -74.3%
  • 在密歇根州渥太华县接种疫苗
    • 完成初级系列-年龄18至65- 69.6%


Always check with your 健康care provider before you receive any 如果你有健康问题,可以接种疫苗.



Michig和ers ages 18 和 older with immunization records posted in the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR), including 新型冠状病毒肺炎 疫苗接种, will be able to locate their own record online 和 下载、保存或打印此信息.

To ensure privacy 和 that individuals are only able to access their 自己的免疫记录,密歇根人必须创建一个 MILogin帐户 和 upload a valid 政府ernment issued photo ID such as a driver's license, 国家身份证或护照. 访问门户不需要任何费用.

Immunizations provided in another state or country may not be 包含在门户中的个人记录中. 如果一个人 immunization record can't be found, records can still be requested 从医生办公室或当地卫生部门.

As the portal is only available for those 18 years or older, parents won't be able to download their child's immunization records. 父母 may contact their child's physician's office or local 健康 部门要一份他们的免疫记录副本.



完整的信息可以在 检疫 和隔离 页面.



GVSU has been monitoring 废水 on the Allendale 校园 for close to a year, 和 recently partnered with Kent 和 Ottawa counties on a two-year program to detect genetic markers of the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 virus in 废水. 这一努力将有助于阐明空间和时间 trends in virus levels in 废水, 和 provide valuable research 为GVSU学生提供机会.



科学是强有力的. 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗已在 临床试验和现实世界 data to reduce the risk for hospitalization 和 death by over 95%. Currently more than 99% of all deaths from 新型冠状病毒肺炎 infection occur 未接种疫苗的人. 疫苗接种也大大减少了 长期出现新型冠状病毒肺炎症状的风险.



的 大学警戒级别系统 了脸 covering 要求s based on the overall impact of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 on the 社区和疾病预防控制中心的建议. 此警报级别更改为 指标的变化.  查看更多博天堂官方网页GVSU遮脸政策的信息 在这里: 脸 Covering Policy - Lakers Together - 大峡谷州立大学 (shadleysoapstone.com)

