

艾玛 is the email marketing software that University Marketing has chosen to assist departments/offices with the creation and sending of email campaigns. 它有一个类似于CMS 4的拖放界面, 管理订阅者列表, 并提供衡量活动有效性的报告. Two GVSU-branded email templates are available for general university use and we can help with basic troubleshooting. 各部门负责内容和收件人名单.

出于品牌一致性和维护的原因, 我们无法满足自定义艾玛模板的请求. 


  • 每个部门/办公室只能创建一个艾玛子账户.
  • University Marketing's contract with 艾玛 is per contact (email address) stored in the system, 不是每发一封邮件. 请尽快清除未使用的联系人 
  • 只有教职员工才能完全访问(@博天堂官方).Edu邮箱地址); limited access, 没有能力发送竞选活动, 可以给学生员工(@mail.博天堂官方.Edu邮箱地址). 
  • 艾玛 usage will be reviewed periodically and those sub-accounts without activity in the preceding 12 months will be deleted. 


请填写 艾玛帐户申请表. 设置通常将在1-2周内完成. 

To add administrators to an existing account, please have a current administrator contact 凯利罗杰斯.

注意: 本教程是针对艾玛的拖放编辑器的. 寻找教程的 艾玛“遗产”编辑 而不是?








清理收信人 (清除未使用的收件人,删除所有收件人,导出收件人列表)


登录,您将看到的第一个屏幕是帐户摘要. 点击顶部导航栏中的“活动”.


If your account is new, click the blue "Create new campaign" button in the center of the screen. To start a new email, the "Create new campaign" button will be on the 正确的 side of the screen. 后 clicking either button, you'll first be prompted to name your email campaign. 




By default, a new email campaign will have a row containing one placeholder paragraph cell. 也将有一个锁定行与GVSU的标志在蓝色背景上, and a locked dark gray row with 艾玛 tags to display your department/office address and an unsubscribe link. 艾玛 will replace these tags with your actual address when you send a test or send your completed email.

添加内容: Click on the CONTENT tab on the 正确的 panel, then drag a content type onto the email. 会出现一个蓝色的“拖到这里”条来帮助你定位它. 一旦它到位,你可以添加你的文字,图像等.

Click anywhere on your content block (it'll be outlined in blue) to display its properties on the 正确的 of the screen.


要添加额外的行: Click the ROWS tab on the 正确的 side of the screen to see all the row layout options. Drag one onto the email, and a blue "Drag it here" bar will appear to help you position it.  Once the new row is in place, you can click on the CONTENT tab and add content blocks. 

Tip: Unlike the CMS, it's possible to stack multiple blocks of content in a single row. This can make it easier and faster to set consistent padding around sections or add a background color.



  • 若要移动行或内容项,请单击并拖动4向箭头图标. 对行, this appears on the left side, 对于内容项, it's on the 正确的. 
  • 若要复制行或内容项,请单击两张纸的图标. 对行, 这将在这一行的右上角, 对于内容项, 它将出现在内容的右下角.
  • 若要删除一行或内容项,请单击回收站图标. 对行, 这将在这一行的右上角, 对于内容项, 它将出现在内容的右下角.

要选择一行,请单击内容项的左侧或右侧。. The row will be outlined in blue and the row properties screen will appear on the 正确的 panel. (If you click a content item, the content properties will appear on the 正确的 而不是.)


  • 内容区背景颜色:默认为“透明”, this is where to set a background color that matches the width of the GVSU logo bar and address footer.
  • 自定义列部分:
    • 除了拖进一个新行, 单击“+ add new”可以在现有行上快速添加一列。.
    • When your row contains multiple columns, you'll see an 8 dot icon between two columns. 单击图标并向左或向右拖动,可以快速调整列的宽度.
    • Click an existing column to select it, then click "Delete" to quickly remove it.
  • Click the "More options" slider in the Padding section to specify separate numbers for top, 正确的, 底, 左填充.


  • GVSU Blue的十六进制代码是#0032A0.
  • 段落块需要一致的字体大小、字体、颜色等. 对于段落中的所有内容. 为文本设置不同的样式(例如, 给标题设置不同的样式), use separate Paragraph chunks and use top and 底 padding to vertically space them as you'd like. 



Click the left icon (clock hands with a counterclockwise arrow) to see the full history of an email campaign during your work session. 要快速返回到上一个点,请单击列表中的该条目.




左上角有两个图标:一个是电脑显示器,一个是电话. 点击手机图标切换到手机视图.


Click any of your (editable) content areas and you'll probably notice at least one "mobile" indicator in the 正确的 column's settings. 如果对该部分进行任何更改,该指示器将变为蓝色. This means adjustments have been made to that area (padding, alignment, 等.),只会影响移动视图.

To go back to desktop view, click the computer monitor icon in the upper left corner. “移动”指示器将从右侧栏中消失, 所做的任何更改都会再次影响桌面视图.



When placing a Grand Valley logo in emails, you must use the blue version of the logo. This ensures proper background contrast in both light and dark viewing modes. Zach has created a video showing which logo file to use, and why it matters


Once an email has been built, you may find it easiest to make a copy of it for future use. 电子邮件可以在发送之前或之后复制.


From the "Emails" (drafts) screen, click the down arrow to the 正确的 of the email's name. 点击“复制”.


点击“电子邮件”页面标题下的“发送”选项卡. 你会看到你发送的所有邮件的列表. 点击邮件右侧的向下箭头,然后点击“复制”. 


通过上传Excel电子表格或 .csv文件. 要添加收件人,请单击顶部工具栏中的“受众”按钮. 

  • 创建一个新的受众群, 点击“群组”(绿色箭头指示), in the Manage section) then click the "Create a new group" button on the page that appears. 
  • 如果受众群体已经存在, 点击“导入”(由粉色箭头指示), 在“增长”部分), 然后点击下一个屏幕上的“导入联系人”按钮.
    • 首先,您将通过选择计算机上的文件导入列表. 
    • 现在将提示您映射字段. 如果存在不需要导入数据的字段, 在联系人栏中选择“忽略”. If your file has a header row, check "Skip" next to the Row 1 column heading.
    • 接下来,选择要将联系人添加到哪个组. 
    • 最后,您将看到一个摘要屏幕. 如果一切正常,点击“导入”. 导入过程通常需要几分钟才能完成. 

只需要添加几个收件人到一个组? From the 联系s screen, click the blue "Add contact" button on the 正确的 side of the screen.

在email字段中输入一个email地址. 在点击相关的保存选项(“保存并关闭”)之前, “保存并添加另一个”), you may want to select what group(s) the email address should be included in; those can be found on the 正确的 side of the screen. 



艾玛允许您一次向多达10个地址发送测试电子邮件. 点击顶部工具栏中的“发送测试”,会出现一个窗口. 从这里, 指定收件人地址, 给收件人的可选备注, 发送者信息, 一个主题和可选的标题行. 

提示:直接从艾玛发送所有测试邮件! 所有的电子邮件客户端都倾向于显示不同的电子邮件, and forwarding an email can negatively affect how the email looks to the recipient.

艾玛's "Send test" window

Once you're ready to send the email, click "Review" in the upper 正确的 corner. From there, specify the recipient list(s) and subject line, and confirm the 发送者信息rmation. Hint: Click the button with the silhouetted person behind the "choose recipients" box (indicated by the green arrow) to easily select your recipient list(s). 

Send the email immediately by clicking the "Send now" button at the 底 of the screen, or choose to send the email at a later time by clicking the "Schedule for later" link. 



后 the email is sent, you'll begin to see reports on the Response section of your account. 单击活动的名称以查看其报告. 

基本统计数据显示在第一个屏幕上:打开率, click-to-open rate (how many links were clicked by those who opened your email), 等. 

查看更详细的响应报告, 单击屏幕顶部附近的一个选项卡(在粉红色块中).

